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Natural Assets


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Perimeter is involved in the assessment and acquisition of real estate assets having natural infrastructure and renewable resource value, including grasslands, agricultural lands and forests. In our property evaluation, we place special emphasis on the potential for safeguarding ecosystem functions, including biodiversity and connectivity for plant and animal populations. 


In addition, Perimeter works to generate economic opportunities on natural and agricultural lands that leverage natural processes to mitigate climate change, reverse resource depletion, and regenerate and enhance ecological services and biodiversity. We develop these opportunities both on land owned by Perimeter as well as land owned by others, such as members of the farming and ranching community.



At Perimeter, we draw on the deep knowledge within our company and the reliable expertise of our partners and consultants to evaluate and realize existing and emerging economic opportunities involving real estate assets. These unique opportunities come from optimizing ecological processes and deploying established technologies with more conventional land-uses, thereby enhancing financial returns and long-term sustainability.



Our knowledge comes from acquiring, managing and operating real estate, renewable energy projects and agricultural lands, on behalf of real estate and infrastructure funds, as well as direct experience owning and operating agricultural enterprises and designing & implementing landscape restoration projects.

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